Wounded Warrior Project Donations #WWP

Wounded Warrior Project Donations #WWP

As promised (but a little late posting), Bearded Wood LLC has made their first donation to the Wounded Warrior Project towards mental health for Veterans in April! We'll donate 25% of total sales from all Veteran Series Products. We were able to raise and donate $150 based on 2022 (October) thru end of March 2023. We'll be making the charitable donation for every quarter going forward!


As a Veteran owned business we see the need for help in the community. Not only do 1 in 3 veterans live with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), but 1 in 3 veterans also feel they don’t get the mental health services they need. Everyday, 22 veterans lose their battle to post traumatic stress. That is 1 veteran every 65 minutes. Bearded Wood is proud to present the Veteran Series and pledges to donate 25% of each sale from this series to the Wounded Warrior Project. This series of products is extra special because the art that is on the items comes directly from veterans and gives a chance to see the world through there eyes. If you are a veteran and are suffering from PTSD and want to showcase your art on Bearded Wood items please reach out to beardedwoodct@gmail.com.

Here's a little of what the #woundedwarriorproject offers:

Through interactive programs, rehabilitative retreats, and professional services, veterans suffering from the invisible wounds of service can build resilience to help overcome mental health conditions, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), military sexual trauma (MST), traumatic brain injury (TBI) and more. With the incredible support of our donors, we’ve provided over 40,000 hours of intensive outpatient care and therapy sessions in just the past year- helping veterans and their families live happier and more fulfilling lives.

If you're interested in learning more or donating directly to the Wounded Warrior project you can visit them at https://www.woundedwarriorproject.org/programs/mental-wellness.

As this series is just rolling out please stayed tuned for new products!

Veterans that have contributed their art and are featured in this series:

Tim Thomas  (See Tim's Instagram for more of his art- @tim_t_art & @sgtthomas40)


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